09 May, 2013

On Selfies

a quick explanation as to what 'selfies' are: any picture taken of yourself that is planned to be uploaded to any sort of social networking website.
Ok, now that that's out of the way, here's a rant about selfies.
Well, not about the selfies themselves, but about the stigma that seems to surround them. I realize that most people in my generation have a inordinate obsession with sharing everything they're doing with the rest of the world and that's mostly silly because no one really cares that much about what you're doing excluding your parents, probably. That need to share often leads to the taking of multitudes of selfies.
I have entire folder for them on my computer. I have no shame.

And what baffles me is that I've seen people getting angry about other people posting pictures of themselves online. Which is just ridiculous. If you feel good enough about yourself to post a picture of your damn beautiful face for the whole internet to see, THEN YOU GO. YOU POST THAT PICTURE. It took me a long time to be ok with how I look and I refuse to make anyone else feel bad about what they're doing with their bodies. My new-ish mantra is "be nice to everyone, because you never know how crappy their day has been." Don't rain on their parade just because you can. No one likes rainy parades. Especially Barbra Streisand.

And I know a lot of people will roll their eyes at me because my generation doesn't need to be any more self involved than it already is, but do we want to raise another generation of super self conscious and self deprecating people? What generation before this has had the ability to share so much and see so much before leaving high school? We're just trying to deal, y'all. We're not the best at it, but give us a few years and we'll figure it out, I promise. we'll be running things some day soon, so you might as well accept it.

The simplest way to avoid the frustration with my generation and our love of everything Us? Oh man, it's gonna make you so mad you didn't think of it first, you ready?
Just don't look at the picture. Skim right over it. Put your phone/computer/fax machine away and go think about something else. Don't make the person who is putting themselves out there feel bad about themselves because you hate the internet/young people.

quick, angry person, look away! here comes a selfie to finish off the post.
Super proud of this one.

*note* I wrote this post a few weeks ago, but it has aptly come out at the same time as one of the most ridiculous and idiotic articles written about the Millennials that's ever been. Look at it if you'd like, but I wouldn't suggest going further than the cover of the magazine itself:


  1. You look awesome in that pic! I agree with you on selfies. You no like it? Whatev, man. Don't look at it then.

    1. thankssss megggghhhhhaaaaannnnnnnn
      also, i SUPER LOVE your blog. it's da best.
