20 May, 2013

On Naming Books

In my pre-blog days, I spent a lot of time coming up with names for my memoirs. Not that I ever intend to actually write one - I'm not even sure I'm a good enough writer for this blog let alone an entire book - but I've always enjoyed coming up with names for them.

Here's a few of the "best" of them:

I'm Tired and I Want to go Back to Bed: A Memoir
synopsis: dealing with trying to be an adult when you still don't feel like one

I Want to be You When I Grow Up
synopsis: pretending i'm not an adult yet, also hero/celebrity/parent worship and how it's not great to put people on pedestals.

Your Children are Horrible
synopsis: stories of children being funny/weird/horrible and a behind the scenes look at working in childcare

Imaginative or Stupid: Childhood Misconceptions
synopsis: misconceptions I had about the world as a child

Narrative Imperative (could also be a band name)
synopsis: I don't know what this one would be about but it's cool to say. narrative imperative.

Laughing and Crying: or Why I Hate Talking to Adults
synopsis: this one would just be full of one-liners to answer the ridiculous questions adults are constantly asking you:
So, are you dating anyone?
And what exactly are you going to do with your degree?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Why are you crying?

for a travel series:
How Many Shoes is Too Many? 
A Misadventures in Packing Book

Packing on Codeine was a Bad Idea
A Misadventures in Packing Book
synopsis: travel/life tips for young people. because I'm really the person to be giving advice on those things.

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