17 April, 2013

On Romance

Recently, I've had several people ask me about my love life. While I'm tremendously pleased that they seem to think that I'm together enough to have a semi-functioning adult type relationship with another human, it's a bit disheartening that there is no news on that front, and hasn't really been any news since coming to New Zealand.
Sure, I've been hit on at a few bars, but aside from that there really hasn't been much happening in that ...department.
I'm sure it's because most of the men I spend time with are under the age of 5, and while I enjoy hanging out with kids as much as the next person (actually, probably more than most people. It is my job after all) I just can't really see myself dating any of them... predominately because I am not attracted to children and also it is illegal and I'd probably get super fired.
Ok this went in a weird direction, let's backtrack a bit.
I've never been great at putting myself out there. In the past, when I've dated it's generally been a situation of "Oh Hello Friend We Are In School Together Let Us Smash Our Faces Together Thank You Please", but since I've left school - and don't really like going to bars/clubs/outside - I've found it is really difficult to meet people.
It's hard not to feel like I'm bad at being 23, but that scene just ain't for me. And with the added pressure of a lot of my friends getting married/engaged/babied, it's hard to not think that there's something wrong with what I'm doing, and not that it is 100% perfectly fine for me to not having any of those things.
Everyone has their own timeline and I am having to accept that mine is just a little behind in the romance department.

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