22 April, 2013

On Living So Far From Home

This year in New Zealand will have been the longest (and furthest) I've ever been away from home, and the fact that I am closer to the end of the year, than anything else, is really weird. For the next 3 months, I know I'm going to be swinging back and forth between "oh my god i love this country it's so beautiful i don't want to leave" and "oh my god i miss home so much i am excited to go back". Times be tough, yo.

I have absolutely no regrets in choosing to move here when I did, I have gotten to experience so much and see so many incredible things this year. And as much as I absolutely love and adore everything about living in New Zealand, I don't think I could ever actually settle here. It's too far away from 90% of the people I know and I'm pretty sure the part of me that yells any time I'm minorly inconvenienced by store hours (bank/library hours continue to baffle me) or the lack of Target-type stores won't be going anywhere any time soon. The closer I get to going back to the states, the more excited I get at the prospect of going to Target. I just really miss it, y'all. I also miss my family and friends but I figure that basically goes without saying

Another part of why I don't think I could settle here is that I feel like I would never have to actually grow up if I stayed - New Zealand is my own never never land. And I definitely know I have some Growing Up to do; and, for the first time since starting college, I am not terrified of the idea. I want to move back to the states and get started on my life.

While living here hasn't been 100% work or 100% holiday, it has felt like a stopgap between the end of one era (childhood) and the beginning of another (adulthood) and being away has allowed me to actually pause and think about what I want to do and where I want to do it while letting me get used to life after college. I know that I am very lucky to have even gotten the opportunity to do this, but I suggest everyone should do it before making any decision ever. Spend most of a year thinking vaguely about it, then make an informed decision and do that thing. It'll take a bit longer to get things done, but you'll be happy with whatever you end up with. 

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