20 August, 2013

On Lush

So, it's been a while.
But we're not gonna talk about that right now. Right now, we're gonna talk about Lush.
I am 100% a Lush-a-holic. I want to buy all the things. The ladies at my local store know who I am. I know who they are. I'm pretty sure it's true love.
Reasons why I love Lush:

  1. Their products do what they say they'll do. 
  2. They recycle their pots (and will give you a free face mask if you bring in 5 empties) and are big on keeping everything cruelty free, and on using fresh and healthy ingredients. 
  3. The people that work there are encouraged to try all of the stuff out, so they can help you find what will work best for your skin/hair.
  4. Their bath bombs. 
Now, sadly, Lush is ... a tad more expensive in the States than in New Zealand (which is definitely a first) and the closest one to me is about a 30 minute drive, so I'm going to have to wean myself off of their products and stick to a few favorites.
These are those favorites.

 For Moisturizer: Celestial
I was always scared of moisturizer, because I assumed it was only for people with dry skin. WRONG! This moisturizer has calmed my skin down so much and has lasted me a year so far. It's light, sinks in quickly and smells great.

For Lips: Mint Julips Lip Scrub 
 While I was in New Zealand, I realized the reason I never liked the look of lipstick was because my lips weren't smooth. And no amount of super moisture rich chap stick could make them look nice. THEN! I discovered Mint Julips and glory be, using this once every other week keeps my lips smooth and pretty. Plus, it tastes and smells AMAZING. 

For Teeth: Atomic Toothy Tabs
 This took me a bit to get used to, but I am IN LOVE with this. It's Chai flavored toothpaste that doesn't come in a horribly non-recyclable/non-decomposing/forever in the dump toothpaste tube and it cleans my teeth. Plus, I don't have to be careful about what food or drinks I have for breakfast after brushing my teeth. No nasty flavor combos, just clean chai scented teeth.

For Face Masks: Brazened Honey
Cheating a bit with this one because I only recently bought it, but OH. MY. GOD. This is the smoothest and nicest my skin has felt since ... ever. It smells AMAZING and doesn't leave any residue and I just adore it. I will definitely buy this for as long as it's in stores.

For Face Wash: Ocean Salt
I generally only use this in the shower because it's a bit messy, but it is the best face wash I've ever used. This is probably my 5th pot of Ocean Salt and I will probably continue to use it until I die. The salt in it feels great - I love how clean my face feels after using it. Plus, this shit smells like a margarita.  

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