Since I've started working a big girl job, I've completely redone the makeup I keep in my bag. Gone are the days of 8 different lipsticks floating around in the nether that is my purse. I keep all of my 'must haves' in 1 bag in my purse so they're easy to find and so I never lose shit in my purse. Hello hyper organization, and hello easily kept up makeup routine for work:
My first must have: blotting papers
This one is first because it's the most important. I am an oily girl. Living in Texas doesn't help that, but having blotting papers in my purse all the time keeps me from being a shine hazard to others. You can buy any ol blotting paper, but my favorite is the Sephora brand ones because they smell like Lavender.
A Quick How-To: Do not drag the blotting paper around your face. That just drags the oil around and doesn't let the paper absorb the oil. Place it on your face and push gently, once it's see-through (gross, I know) throw it away.
My second must have whatever lipstick I wore that morning and Mac's See Sheer
This seems pretty straight forward, but I bring whatever lipstick I put on that morning in my bag with me for touch ups. If I'm not feeling that color anymore by lunch, I just pop on my current favorite: Mac's See Sheer.
My third must have a pair of earrings
Because I am hella forgetful in the mornings and have left the house with 1 earring on more than once. Also, it's nice to have an extra earring back lying around in case you lose one during the day.
My fourth must have powder foundation
This one goes along with blotting papers, but is less important. Makeup fades. We all know that. I keep a powder foundation in my bag for fading reasons. I am constantly battling the shine, and keeping the No 7 Perfect Light Powder in my bag is helping me win battles.
My fifth must have 2 hair ties and 4 bobby pins.
Because it's a smart thing and my purse is a mom purse. Anything you might need, I probably have it. The reason for 2 hair ties: i have thick hair and frequently break them when trying to pony tail my hair. Super cool. The bobby pins are mostly for if I decide halfway through the day that my hair is UNACCEPTABLE and therefore must be braided.
My sixth must have an eyeshadow quad
not a whole lot of reasoning behind this. I just like to be able to touch up, if needed during the day. My current favorite is the Mac quad in Inner Strength.
My last must have a cream blush
Ain't nobody got time for powder blush when you're on the go. Cream blush is my favorite anyways because it lasts longer and can generally double as a lip color in a pinch. My favorites, as always, are the Maybelline Dream Bouncy Blushes.
The bag I keep all that in is from the online subscription service Ipsy (that I am no longer a subscriber of - more on that in a post to come) and is the perfect size for all my stuff. It probably wouldn't work as well in a dark bag, but I lost my mind and bought a bag that wasn't black for spring. Crazy, I know.
A Note: Hey, you made it to the bottom of the post! Yeah! Go you! But for reals: this post is a bit outdated. Everything I said still holds true, but I no longer use this bag and it is no longer spring. So. Now you know. I write my posts waaaaaay in advance.